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Advanced Visualization & AI
Integrated AI Capabilities
INFINITT knows that AI software has the potential to help radiology and enterprise imaging in many ways. It has already been shown to improve ready workflow, identify important regions of interest, and flag potential abnormalities for further scrutiny by the physician.
INFINITT is AI-neutral!
We are dedicated to working with all third-party AI algorithm companies to ensure their software is seamlessly integrated into the end-user workflow. Our departmental and enterprise PACS solutions are built from the ground up to support and integrate any AI software. This includes communicating with both on-premises and cloud-based AI platforms and algorithms.
The INFINITT PACS viewer incorporates AI-empowered Dynamic Worklist to flag high-priority studies and ensure they receive immediate attention. We also provide embedded AI image analysis capability on our Digital Pathology Solution that can highlight areas in an image that includes suspected pathology. Due to the shortage of radiologists and pathologists, AI-powered tools that facilitate physician productivity are highly valued.

Advanced Visualization
- Body Fusion
Supports volume registration and fusion for alignment and comparison of 2D and 3D images from two or more CT, MR, PET, or SPECT data sets for anatomical reference and quantitative study. Features include automatic registration, motion correction, and subtraction. Validated findings can be stored for comparison of multiple time points. Comprehensive tools enable the user to describe regions of interest (planar or volumetric) for which various statistical quantities can be obtained: min, max, mean, standard deviation, standard uptake values, or counts readout for PET data. - CT Head and Neck
Enables neuro-radiologists to perform efficient, accurate measurements of neurology-related examinations. Provides a comprehensive set of vascular assessment tools that facilitate bone and vessel removal with advanced editing to support vasculature analysis. Includes dual data support and time density evaluation: maps include CBF, CBV, MTT, TTP, Tmax, hypoperfusion, mismatch, and more. Offers multi-modality image fusion and image subtraction. - CT Body
Enables radiologists to comprehensively review and analyze the organs in the abdomen and pelvic region and calculate the volume of organs or regions of interest with histogram output and utilize exportable measurement values for follow-up comparison. Includes dynamic data support, sphere-like structure identification, dynamic image filtering, and dual-source data support. Full-function colon flythrough includes automatic multi-volume side-by-side loading and viewing, fly-path creation, and editing. - Cardiac Structure Segmentation and Functional Analysis
Provides a simplified approach to complex cardiac analysis and quantification, enabling a radiologist or cardiologist to analyze coronary vessels with automated centerline creation and vessel segmentation. Includes calcium scoring with multiple database options, atrium and pulmonary vein analysis for EP planning, and pre-operative evaluation of coronary arteries for plaque and stenosis. Includes embedded geometry for pre-operative virtual stent evaluation. - CT Chest
Provides automated lung segmentation for lung volume measurements with volume histogram output. Offers sphere-like structure identification, comparative tracking options, and virtual flythrough, guiding you in visualizing the airway tree. - CT Noise Reduction
Provides advanced enhancement and noise reduction with low-dose CT exam images, improves the effectiveness of 3D image quality, and enhances the performance of 3D tools. They are not offered as a substitute for the original image. However, an additional low-noise series can be created for viewing to improve contouring, segmentation features, and centerline accuracy. - Interventional Radiology
Provides an extensive range of clinical and workflow tools for interventional radiologists. Includes centerline tools, stent-graft planning, curved planar reformation, analysis and follow-up tools, and perspective flythrough. - Liver Segmentation
Provides semi-automated liver segmentation, vascular classification options, multi-cut option for pre-surgical planning, and dynamic image filtering with configurable filtering strengths. - Lung Segmentation
Provides an extensive range of clinical and workflow tools for thoracic and pulmonary specialists to quantify lung volumes. Includes lung and trachea segmentation, lung and lobe volumetric analysis, lung, airway, and vessel anatomical fusion, treatment planning simulation, and low attenuation. - Maxillo-Facial
The Maxillo-Facial package applies the curved planar reformation (CPR) result to generate “panoramic” projections in various planes and thicknesses. Cross-sectional multi-planar reconstruction may also be generated at set increments along the defined curve plane and used to obtain key measurements to aid in dental implant and surgical planning. - MR Body
Provides an extensive range of clinical and workflow tools for specialists utilizing 2D, 3D, and 4D MR image sequences. Includes MIP and MRA evaluation with centerline tools, analysis and follow-up tools, time intensity region of interest analysis, parametric mapping of body parts such as breast or prostate, and kinetics, time to peak, time to enhancement, and maximum slope evaluation. - MR Cardiac
Enables volumetric analysis of ejection fraction, flow dynamics, and temporal enhancement of the myocardium. This advanced visualization solution can support radiologist and cardiologist workflows. Other key features include LV/RV inner and outer contour detection, T1 mapping, T2/T2* mapping, and AHA 17 segmentation. For dynamic flow studies, multiple regions of interest selection and background noise correction are also supported. - Aortic Valve Replacement Planning
Includes workflow aids for taking measurements needed for planning aortic valve replacement. The TAVR (Vessel Analysis) package provides aortic root segmentation and orientation tools, large multi-series dataset support, centerline pre-processing and extractions, user-definable planning templates, and report output. - Vessel Analysis Planning
For specialists performing endovascular aneurysm repair, the EVAR planning package provides pre-generated centerlines, a user-definable planning template, diameter vs. distance and cross-sectional views, straightened view, diameter and length measurements, and embedded vendor-specific report templates. - Volumetric Navigation Package
Allows for 2D, 3D, and 4D viewing, multi-mask editing, configurable workflow creation, measurement toolsets, labeling, image batching, and report generation. - Auto Batch
Provides image data pre-processing and 2D batch output with the reformation of image data into alternative planes.